As hurricanes ravage coastlines, droughts destroy crops, and industries pollute waterways, the world would appear to be falling into climatic chaos; this may sound terrifying, but this shouldn’t be news to anyone. The information age has spread this fact to all four corners of the world, and in response, many nations have finally come together to maintain this planet.
In 2015, the UN first implemented its Sustainable Development Goals initiative, to end poverty, protect the environment, and ensure that by 2030 all people on Earth enjoy “peace and prosperity.” At ÀLA.HAUSSE, we are hopeful that this goal will be achieved. Given the current state of things, it will be difficult, but we at ÀLA.HAUSSE see the value in any pursuit related to sustainability. Which is why every decision that we make is done so with the circular business model in mind. In comparison to our counterparts who use the linear approach to business, the ÀLA.HAUSSE carbon footprint is significantly smaller; this is one of many ways we stay ahead of the sustainability curve.
Another is in our goal setting. Of the 17 sustainable development goals (SDG’s) set in 2015, six of them are aligned with ÀLA.HAUSSE’s own. The following is a description of each goal, and ÀLA.HAUSSE plans to take action.
The fashion industry uses approximately 79 billion cubic meters of water per year, making it one of the worst contributors to water scarcity. This is due to the massively ridiculous water costs associated with the materials processes. A single cotton shirt, for example, uses over 2700 liters of water, enough for a single person to drink for two years.
These numbers may sound astounding, but this is the reality that we experience today. With all our advances in technology and marvelous machinations, we still have trouble finding a better way to use our water.
This inability to find balance between the fashion industry and our water sources has inevitably led to extreme pollution. Rivers near textile factories are known to contain many microplastics, as well aso over 8000 chemicals like formaldehyde and chlorine. These chemicals inevitably leach into the water systems, affecting surrounding populations and destroying our water sources permanently.
This is all happening because of fast fashion. The fast fashion approach to business is an archaic creation of the past, and has served to only cause problems for our future. At ÀLA .HAUSSE, our utilization of the circular business model aims to keep these problems to a minimum by reducing the water loss and water pollution of the fast fashion industry.
At ÀLA.HAUSSE, we prioritize personal and small businesses by providing a circular business market where individuals like you can generate income while also remaining true to your own values.This market is expected to double in size over the next 10 years, and we are proud to say that as a company that prioritizes sustainability, we are contributing to that increase.
We also provide decent work to not only our own team members but to every single one of our customers who uses our platform to make money on their own.ÀLA.HAUSSE functions as an ethical business, and so decent work and economic growth are essential to our strategies.
The ÀLA.HAUSSE agenda demands innovation within industry. It is our goal to revolutionize the fast-fashion market. With ÀLA.HAUSSE‘s Multi-functional and Multi-purposeful Fashion Ecosystem, we have integrated ourselves into the infrastructure of the modern fashion age, and we hope to continue to strengthen this infrastructure so that sustainability becomes a foundational feature of future planning.
Using AI-powered analytical systems, ÀLA.HAUSSE software engineers become powerful innovators. We can program useful, sustainability-focused features that enrich the user’s conscientious experience. The carbon calculator, for example, provides an accurate account of the carbon dioxide emissions removed due to the user’s accumulated purchases. Our innovations are our strength, and we hope to continue to provide innovations that bolster the sustainability agenda.
Anthropogenic climate change has pressured city developers to build communities in the future with sustainability held to a higher standard. By contributing to the establishment of a circular business model within the fashion industry, ÀLA.HAUSSE is also establishing a centralized platform that breaks new ground in this prioritizing initiative.
Through this platform, users are encouraged to build social ties on the microscale (P2P) that in turn connect them on the macroscale (global climate activism). By providing a social setting for the circular business model, like-minded individuals can not only exchange clothing items, they can exchange ideas, foster new relationships, and build connections that strengthen the circular economy as a whole.
Modern fast fashion is very irresponsible and unfathomably unsustainable. The average American citizen throws away 82 pounds of clothes each year, (the equivalent of 26 billion pounds of textiles) 85 per cent of which ends up in landfills. 99 per cent of all clothing items are estimated to be recyclable, and more than 50 per cent of fast fashion items are thrown away within 12 months. These issues are not going away, and are only increasing in severity as each year passes.
As a company we recognize these challenges, and in response we want to lower rates of consumption by throwing that linear model straight out the door and replacing it with the circular business model. Our platform permits users the ability to efficiently buy, sell, rent, and lend their fashion apparel, preventing these items from becoming waste and negating the need for more and more product.
Annually, the manufacturing of apparel releases approximately 1.2 billion tons of greenhouse gases, or 10 per cent of all global emissions. This massive quantity doubles that of the global flight and maritime industry. The fabric production stage of apparel lifecycle is the most impactive, accounting for 42 per cent of the total climate impact. This stage, along with garment and fiber production, has significantly reduced activity when the circular business model is implemented.
This is why we are such huge supporters of its usage. ÀLA.HAUSSE wants to provide our eco-conscious users the opportunity to utilize the circular model through our secure multi-functional platform. It is a place where they can continue shopping for their favorite brands while also engaging in climate activism
This can be achieved through the ÀLA.HAUSSE‘s Multi-functional and Multi-purposeful Fashion Ecosystem. The social features, for example, provide a platform for climate activists to not only shop,rent, and sell conscientiously, but to also engage with one another. This was all built with the intention to develop ties in the climate activist community across the globe, and in so doing, to further the climate action agenda.
You may be wondering why we do this, why we set goals that aren’t always about the bottom line: it’s because we care! We care about our planet and we want you to as well! The ÀLA.HAUSSE family recognises many of the environmental issues inherent to the fashion industry, and we want to do our part in mitigating these damages. That’s why every time we invite others to join our cause, we do so with the intent to build a family that wants to save Mother Earth.
À New Wave to Fashion. À New Way of Living.
Your First and Last Sustainable AI and Social Powered P2P/B2C Multifunctional Ecosystem (BUY/SELL/RENT/LEND/ SWAP/GIFT), for Me and You.
Via ÀLA.HAUSSE’s Multi-functional and Multi-purposeful Fashion Ecosystem- BUY/SELL/RENT/LEND mobile application, INDIVIDUALS & brands ( BETA) are encouraged to REBUY, RESELL, REUSE and UP-CYCLE their personal “Clossets” aka Clothing Assets. Through this consumerism habit shift we slow down the urgency on fashion carbon footprint, aiding sustainability as a whole.
Launching NOW on iOS Android Canada
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