Our everyday clothing is an essential form of self-expression for many of us. A good outfit can brighten your day, and a not-so-good one can quite literally threaten to ruin your day. A “conscious closet” is essentially a composed of clothes that are benefit our environment and/or communities, due to the way it’s made or the way it is utilized. A conscience closet consists of pieces that have taken a little longer to collect and come together because we’ve questioned the philosophy behind it: how they are made, who made them, and why our clothing choices matter. The start of creating such a closet can be stressful, however, with a few tips and steps that you can follow, you too can transform your “closset”!
This is self-explanatory, your closet needs a little cleanout every few months. There may be pieces you’re not dying to wear again or pieces that have lost it spark that you once took note of. Going through your old clothes you can either keep it, repurpose it, rent it, or donate it!
Most likely the clothes that you’ve chosen to keep have been some of your long-time favorites. This isn’t because of any grand reason, like your clothes picking you rather than the other way around. It is likely that the clothes are composed of great quality materials. Having a strong and study material can sustain the life of your clothing and provide you with guidance on what material to take note of when you shop next.
Some articles of clothing are timeless. Neutral colored t-shirts, a nice fitting pair of blue jeans, a leather jacket, blazer, dress pants, you name it! Having these basics in your closet is a game changer. By having clothing that can quite literally go with anything, you’ll never have a shortage of combinations! This works well with any category with clothing tops, pants, undergarments etc. The key here is to get quality pieces, pieces that seem to have already lasted you forever from when you took note of the materials it’s composed of. By having a plain cotton white tee, you can make a number of out fits by pairing with any type of bottoms you have.
After adding the basics to your closet, to build a stylish and timeless closet with a few chic pieces, you need to be very critical of your purchases. Don’t just buy something because it’s trendy now. Look at the material it’s made up of, is it sustainably? Will last me 2-3 years? More? Is it a functional and responsible piece to buy? Will I get bored of it in a month? Analyzing the reasons behind your purchases can give you some insight as to why you shouldn’t be shopping for fun but rather for utility.
Now that you’ve successfully managed to create and expand your closet you need to make sure to pay special attention to your clothing. We spent a long-time building this closet and to take care of it is essential. Sustainable materials do well in maintain their condition for a while, however, in order for your clothes to potentially have a second life you need to make sure it is in the condition for a new home.
À New Wave to Fashion. À New Way of Living.
Your First and Last Sustainable AI and Social Powered P2P/B2C Multifunctional Ecosystem (BUY/SELL/RENT/LEND/ SWAP/GIFT), for Me and You.
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Via ÀLA.HAUSSE’s Multi-functional and Multi-purposeful Fashion Ecosystem- BUY/SELL/RENT/LEND mobile application, INDIVIDUALS & brands ( BETA) are encouraged to REBUY, RESELL, REUSE and UP-CYCLE their personal “Clossets” aka Clothing Assets. Through this consumerism habit shift we slow down the urgency on fashion carbon footprint, aiding sustainability as a whole.
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