Selling & Lending FAQ

To date, we allow over 2000 designer brands to be listed, from fast fashion to luxury brands. We are constantly updating our database to ensure the selection is stylish, trendy, and most importantly, sustainable. You can list any item that falls within the available brands and categories. To suggest a brand that we may have missed, please send your request to with Brand Request in the subject line and our team will assist to review.
We currently accept all major credit cards and debit cards via our payment processor Stripe. See their website for further info:
Items on our platform can be listed for both selling, renting, or both. We aim to provide a multifunctional marketplace experience for our users. Look for more features to come your way in the future.
The List button on the bottom of the home page will get you to the product listing page. To ensure a proper listing and to optimize your sale/rental experience, please see the tips and rules below:
✓ You are what you wear! What you sell or rent also represents who you are! We suggest you upload a photo of yourself wearing the item to let others see how it fits in real life.
✓ Make sure the other Item photos are clear with white background.
✓ Be sure the brand name in description is clearly stated to the original brand format.
✓ Show close up details of the product.
✓ Be sure to input the correct colour and condition of the item.
✓ Show any defect and make sure it’s in your item description.
✗ Show unrelated product or dark and blurry images.
✗ Do not tag items in the wrong category or brand names.
✗ You may not upload unauthentic/counterfeit items. By signing up you have agreed to abide by the ALAHAUSSE Terms and Conditions. Selling unauthentic/counterfeit items is a federal offense.
We allow users to upload original designer and branded images but it is your responsibility to credit and request permission to use the images.
- List your item and set your desired prices for three time blocks of 3 days, 1 week, and 1 month. Please note that 3 days is the minimum rental period. We encourage lenders to set discounted pricing on longer rental periods.
- Once an item has been selected by a renter, you must accept the order for the escrow system to kick in, starting the rental process. Please arrange delivery of the product before their rental date starts. You may share shipping confirmation details via the in app chat, or you can arrange a drop off/pick up manually with the renter. We ask that you arrange your item’s transportation within 24 hours of accepting a rental request.
- Check up with renters and see how fab they look in your “Clossets”!
- Once the rental period ends, your renter should let you know the details for return. This may again involve shipping or a manual drop off/pick up.
- Once your item has been returned, you must mark the transaction as complete in your order management tab in order to receive payment. Your payment will be released within 8-10 business days. The Renter’s deposit will be released to them 7 business days subsequent to completion.
Please use our in app notification guide and order escrow management system as your guide to mark each step as complete for a seamless experience.
At ÀLA.HAUSSE, the safety of our users and their clothes is of utmost priority. All Lenders on the platform must participate in our Know Your Customer (KYC) process. This process ensures we have the valid identity of our lenders who are receiving payments should any issues arise. We also strongly encourage lending users to set a deposit on their item close to the original retail value, so they could be adequately compensated in the case of loss or damages.
To ease the urgency of a last minute rental for our lenders, items cannot be rented within two business days from the current day.
The minimum rental period we allow is 3 days. We have made the calendar easy for your renters to use, so if they choose to rent at any period over 3 days, the system will automatically calculate the cost. Customized pricing for lenders is also available. A renter can choose any dates off the calendar that a lender has made available.
It is important that you set the deposit close to the original price of your rental item. Lenders have the full right to list any deposit amount they feel comfortable with to rent out their items. Setting the deposit amount will protect the rental order, as the deposit will be released back to the renter only after the rental return has been marked as complete by the lender. If the renter damages the item or fails to return it, the deposit amount can be returned to the lender.
Out of app transactions are against the ÀLA.HAUSSE Terms of Service and may result in account termination. Additionally, any protections against damage, fraud, or other issues that ÀLA.HAUSSE would otherwise provide cannot be rendered.
ÀLA.HAUSSE does not handle dispute cases at this time. We suggest you contact local authorities in the case of any serious dispute. Please read our Terms and Conditions for more information.
Please always record the state of the item upon receiving it, and upon sending it out. With sufficient proof of damage to the item, we hold the right to release the deposit to the affected party who is facing losses. This may be resolved on a case by case basis. However, ÀLA.HAUSSE does not handle dispute cases such as stolen items at this time. We advise you to contact local authorities in the case of loss and dispute. Please read our Terms and Conditions for more information.